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AppleScripts you can use!

tell application "iMaginator"
set alleffects to list effects
make new document
set fname to choose from list alleffects
set didnotCancel to fname count
if didnotCancel is greater than 0 then
tell the front document
make new effect with properties {filtername:fname}
end tell
end if
end tell
See a list of all the effects possible - and choose one!

tell application "iMaginator"
set alleffects to list effects
set effectscount to alleffects count
make new document
tell the front document
repeat with i from 1 to effectscount
set fname to item i of alleffects
make new effect with properties {filtername:fname}
wait for 1.0 -- change this for longer or shorter duration            delete last effect
end repeat
end tell
end tell
Watch all the effects - you can alter the wait variable as desired for delay speed!

tell application "iMaginator"
tell the front document
make new effect with properties {filtername:"text", text contents:"hello dolly!", scale:25, x:40, y:100}
make new effect with properties {filtername:"image", image:"/Applications/", scale:2.0, x:100, y:100}
make new effect with properties {filtername:"Bump Distortion"}
end tell
end tell
How to add a text, image and regular effect!

tell application "iMaginator"
set effectFile to choose file
tell the front document
apply chain with effect file effectFile
end tell
end tell

Applying an effect chain file (.iFilter)

tell application "iMaginator"
set inputFolder to choose folder
set effectFile to choose file
set outputFolder to choose folder
tell the front document
batch from inputFolder with effect file effectFile to outputFolder
end tell
end tell
Batch Processing folders of images

set applicationsPath to ((path to applications folder) as string)
set effectsFile to applicationsPath & "Stone"
tell application "iMaginator"
set theDocuments to every document
repeat with i in theDocuments
apply chain i with effect file effectsFile with adding
end repeat
end tell
Add to effect to every doc

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