*************************** SDStoreDirectory.h **************************

@interface SDStoreDirectory:NSObject

NSMutableDictionary *entries;
SDStore *storeFile;
BOOL dirty;
int blockNumber;

- initInStore:(SDStore *)aStoreFile;
- (id) initFromBlock: (unsigned int) blockNo inStore: (SDStore *) aStoreFile ;
- (id) openEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName ;
- (BOOL) hasEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName ;
- (id) addEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName ofClass:(Class)aClass ;
- (void) freeEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName;
- (NSArray *) entries;
- (void) getBlock:(unsigned int *)aBlock andStore:(SDStore **)aStore;

- (void) commitTransaction;


*************************** SDStoreDirectory.m **************************

#import "ixCover.h"

@interface SDStoreDirectory(PrivateMethods)

- (void)setStore:(SDStore *)aStore;


@implementation SDStoreDirectory:NSObject

//      Utilities and private methods

- (BOOL) isDirty
return dirty;

- (void) setDirty:(BOOL)flag
dirty = flag;

//      Implementation:
//            NSDictionary to hold NSString (name) / NSEntry pairs
//            NSEntry holds information necessary to create or read in
//            an object

- initInStore:(SDStore *)aStore
[super init];
[self setStore:aStore];

entries = [[NSMutableDictionary allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithCapacity:1];
[storeFile createBlock:&blockNumber withSize:0];

return self;


- initFromBlock: (unsigned int)blockNo inStore: (SDStore *) aStoreFile
NSData *blockData;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
SDEntry *anEntry;

[super init];

[self setStore:aStoreFile];
blockNumber = blockNo;
blockData = [storeFile readBlock:blockNumber];

entries = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:blockData]retain];

enumerator = [entries objectEnumerator];
while ((anEntry = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[anEntry setStoreFile:storeFile];
[self setDirty:NO];
return self;

- (id) openEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName
SDEntry *theEntry = [entries objectForKey:aName];
if (!theEntry) return nil;
return [theEntry theObject];

- (BOOL) hasEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName
SDEntry *theEntry = [entries objectForKey:aName];
return theEntry?YES:NO;

- (id) addEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName ofClass:(Class)aClass
SDEntry *theEntry;
theEntry = [[SDEntry alloc] initWithName:aName class:aClass forStoreFile:storeFile];
[entries setObject:theEntry forKey:aName];
[self setDirty:YES];
return [theEntry theObject];

- (void) freeEntryNamed: (NSString *)aName
SDEntry *theEntry = [[entries objectForKey:aName] retain];
// remove the entry
[entries removeObjectForKey:aName];
// remove the "block"
[theEntry freeObjectFromBlock];
[theEntry release];
[self setDirty:YES];

- (void) commitTransaction
NSData *data;

if ([self isDirty]) {
data = [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:entries];
[storeFile writeData:data toBlock:blockNumber];
[self setDirty:NO];

- (NSArray *) entries
return [entries allKeys];

- (void) getBlock:(unsigned int *)aBlock andStore:(SDStore **)aStore
*aBlock = blockNumber;
*aStore = storeFile;

+ (void) freeFromBlock:(unsigned int) aBlockNumber inStore:(SDStore *)aStoreFile
[aStoreFile freeBlock:aBlockNumber];

- (void) freeFromStore
[storeFile freeBlock:blockNumber];

- (void) commitTransaction:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if ([aNotification object] == storeFile)
[self commitTransaction];

- (void)registerForTransactions
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(commitTransaction:) name: SDStoreTransactionWasCommitted object:storeFile];

- (void) unregisterForTransactions
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]removeObserver:self name:SDStoreTransactionWasCommitted object:storeFile];

- (void)setStore:(SDStore *)aStore
storeFile = aStore;
[self registerForTransactions];

- (void) dealloc
[self unregisterForTransactions];
[entries release];
[super dealloc];


Created by Stone Design's Create on 3/12/1998